IM Milchone Lichess coach picture

IM Nikolay Milchev

Never give up !

LocationEngland United Kingdom
LanguagesEnglish (US), български език
RatingFIDE: 24182442
Hourly rate30$
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I am professional chess player and coach ! I won a lot of tournaments in Europe !I am proud with my students and some of them are champions in there countries ! I love my job and I am dedicated person and responsible with my work !

Playing experience

I won a lot of tournaments in France,Spain,Germany,Greece,Italy,England,Bulgaria and etn .

Teaching experience

I love my job and work so hard to improve any skills of my students !

Other experiences

I love to play football and I love to swim ! I been part of many teams in Europe and with some of them we been champion !Like in Spain few years ago with my team we been champion in Spain !

Best skills

Best skills I can say is strategy and sacrifice !

Teaching methodology

I have a good methodology and I believe my way is briliant for my students!