
Lichess Feedback

RepliesLast post
Custom Chess sets5
by petri999
Lichess Shorts.4
by FreedBeast219
by iris_mex
Too much space on the UI5
by Akbar2thegreat
Getting told to restart a practice, then on playing the same moves I get success4
by MarkusRamikin
Do the lichess developers check the forum for bug reports?3
by dboing
Очередной баг сайта из-за которого я лишился победы.1
by AOOP09
Interesting game played by me. Don’t know what happened2
by <erased>
cant change email address already exausted all routes to any help1
by scarpentus
Suggestion: Colored Text in Study Comments/Annotations5
by dboing
by AOOP09
Issues with Registration in a school1
by for_cryingout_loud
I can't analyze games with Stockfish 163
by falconf7
Lichess studies; is there a limit?3
by glbert
Lichess network problem1
by MarkAlfonso10Azaola