
How to play chess good?

How can I play chess well? For example, what should I do?
Excellent question, here are my 2 cents: Training vision so you notice tactics and hanging pieces both for your opponent and yourself helps a lot. Puzzles help with this. Figure out your biggest weakness and drill puzzles related to that weakness. Like, forks, end games, mates in 2, etc.

Develop pieces towards the middle if possible.

Play and gain more experience, after some time you'll think "hey, I've seen this setup before"

You should start by moving the pieces to the right square, plain and simple. That ́s what we all are (hopefully) trying to do.

Jokes aside, I think if you just play for fun, you should relax and enjoy the game and be happy with the rating you have. Just play and maybe analyze a game or two once in a while, and you will eventually improve. But if your goal is more serious, then probably a (personal) coach would be a good thing. There are many here on Lichess for example who gives lessons, and I can personally recommend to you a person here on lichess I know who gives lessons. Just send me a pm if you want to, and I ́ll give you the name of the person.
@thEcOdErCaT said in #1:
> How can I play chess well? For example, what should I do?

Ha ha a question as chess players we would all like to know the answer too lol xxx
I think if you make many good moves without blunders you will become very good very fast
Choose an opening
Understand middlegame plans
Learn critical endgames
Do puzzles
Watch videos